Clams Ahoy!
Oyster is actual a name for a bunch of distinct groups of bivalve molluscs that live in marine and brackish water. Many are delicious and eaten both raw and cooked in various ways. We like them just about any style, and will happily admit that we often eat oysters raw.
Oyster refers to both "True Oysters" and similar bivalves such as Pearl Oysters (not generally eaten and a type of clam), Saddle Oysters (actually a group of inedible clams), Thorny Oysters (allegedly edible, but not commonly eaten), and Pilgrim Oysters (which are actually a scallop species).
We concentrate on "True Oysters" here with an emphasis on tasty ones!
Interestingly, oysters are branded based on where they are from, instead if their species like clams. There are many several species of edible true oysters. Oysters from different locations will have very distinct and different tastes especially when eaten raw. Comparing a number of different types of oysters raw is always a treat!
Deep Fried Oysters - So simple to make and so delicious!
Glidden Point Oysters (Maine) - Fairly mild yet full bodied. A very satisfying and meaty oyster!
Katama Bay Oysters (Marthas
Vineyard, Massachusetts) - Sweet, briny, medium sized, with a popcorn
Namibian Farmed
Oysters (Namibia) - Intense, fairly meaty, and quite saline. Excellent
but not for neophytes.
Bay Oysters (South Africa) - Small to medium sized, briny and hearty,
with a nice upfront spicy flavor and sweet.
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