Clams Ahoy!
There are plenty of oyster harvesters in Damariscotta, Maine, and wild oysters as well. Glidden Point oysters are from Barb Scully and children. Their oysters are harvested primarily by diving which is intense as the oysters are 40 feet down and visibility in close to zero - harvesting is by feel. This form of harvesting is easier on the oysters, doesn't unset the bottom, and leaves the smaller not ready for harvesting oysters alone.
Barb's oyster farm was started in 1987. She buys oyster seed from local hatcheries, grows them in floating trays in the relatively warm surface water within sight of the town. Late in the fall, often the first week of November (which can be cold in Maine!) she plants them on the bottom in a deep water 5 and 10 acre plot.
harvested at 4+ years of age, since they are bottom grown, they need a
week to purge sediment. She keeps 15-20 thousand floating in trays for
this purpose. Supposedly you you can visit her store on River Road in
Newcastle Maine and buy oysters, leaving cash in a basket. Since I spend
much of my time in Maine, I just may have to visit myself!
They are considered good summer oysters, as the deep waters they are grown in are cold, and although perhaps not a good starter oyster due to their size, they are a good starter oyster for those new to opening oysters are I've always found them to be about the easiest oysters to open!
Tasting Note: Glidden Point Oysters, from July, 2013:
Quite briny initially. Opulent, long, and creamy. Fairly mild yet certainly full bodied. Hefty shells and these oysters are bigger than they look as the shells are quite deep.
A very satisfying and meaty oyster!