Clams Ahoy!
We respect privacy: Your, ours, and everyone else's. We believe it is a basic right.
And we hate spam with a vengeance - as you might expect since we've been online over 30 years, we have received a ton of it and never have and never will spam anyone.
Do note that some third parties may use cookies to help serve appropriate ads on this Web site. Cookies can only contain information that you have given to a Web site/Web server. Browsers allow you to block cookies, but sometimes basic functionality, like being able to use a shopping cart, fails without cookies. We do not use cookies.. We believe however that cookies are harmless.
Google, a third party vendor, does uses cookies to better serve ads, and other third parties mightas well.
Google's uses something called "the DART cookie" which enables it to serve ads based on your visits to Web sites on the Internet, giving you more relevant and hopefully appropriate ads.
Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.